Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday Wellness: Sleep Styles

Most of us don't put a lot of thought into the way we sleep.
You hop into bed and, if you're like me, count the number of hours of sleep you're going to get and hope you don't have a hard time dosing off.  

Now, I've heard a lot about what your preferred sleeping style says about you...
If you sleep on your stomach you're type-A; sleeping on your back means you're lethargic and unmotivated.

I used to sleep on my stomach and side, and then I forced myself to sleep on my what does that make me?

But that's another post for never (because honestly, who cares?).

What I'm here to discuss is the pose in which you take before you start counting sheep.
It matters.

The googled pictures of slumbering babies are for your enjoyment.

Let's begin with the worst position:

Sleeping on your stomach ensures that your neck will be twisted for hours. 
And likely means that you will have a crick in your neck for the rest of the day. What fun.

The Not-So-Bad Position:

Side sleepers (as long as you aren't curled up in a fetal-like position) benefit from an elongated spine and virtually no pressure on their neck.
However, your face is being smushed into your pillow and things are sagging hanging.
Hello early wrinkles.

The best sleeping style:

Sleep on your back, people.
Your head, neck, and spine are easily maintained in a neutral position.
No skin scrunching and easy breathing.
If you're a snorer, it's not going to get any better.  Just purchase some snoring strips and flip on your back.

What is your sleeping style?

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