Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tasty Tuesday: Blueberry Broccoli Summer Salad

Saturday evening, after Trey and I had a super fun and humbling date, we went home. 
(After trying to go to a church service that night, and then realizing that particular church has Sunday night services, not Saturday. Summit member mistake.)

I made a salad while Trey made the biggest fish taco I've ever seen.

Here's what I made:


2/3 cup fresh blueberries
2/3 cup broccoli
1/2 cup carrots, chopped
1/2 cup green bell pepper, chopped
2 egg whites
juice of 1/2 lemon
3 tablespoons olive oil & balsamic organic vinaigrette 
(or any vinaigrette-based dressing of your choice)

First I chopped up the veggies:

Then I threw in the veggies and blueberries in a large bowl.

I removed the yoke from the two boiled eggs, chopped the whites, and threw them in the mix.

Finally I squeezed the lemon juice and drizzled the dressing over the salad, and gobbled half of it up!

You could easily double this recipe to feed a family of four.
Yes, this can be a meal--veggies, fruit, and protein!
Or it can be a great summer snack to reach for.
No more sugary cereal, Kayla.

Trey tasted it, and wasn't a fan to say the least...but he's a sixteen year old boy who eat fish tacos the size of his head.

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