Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Your Plans for Sunday Night.

There is a plethora of bad Christian music--and I mean bad in all senses of the word.  Fragmented theology (yes, music displays your theology), cheesy sound, and most of the sugary-sweet, God-is-out-to-make-me-happy songs on Christian radio appear to be virtually the same.

This post is not out to make a case against the music that tells lies about who God is and what He is about--although this is a huge problem; I want to show you music that worships God as He is--on the Cross, on the throne, and in our chest.

The Summit Worship team has written, composed, and produced a worship album that proclaims the Gospel.  At the Summit, we frequently use the phrase "Jesus in my place" as the Gospel message--we are fallen and utterly wicked; God in His goodness and grace sent Jesus to live, die, and resurrect by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that our sins would be atoned for; so that we can now stand in the righteousness of Jesus before God, knowing unquestionably that He is the Lord.

This Sunday night, April 29th at 6 - 7:15 PM at the Brier Creek campus, the Summit Worship team is hosting a Night of Worship in which the new CD will be released.  Come out, bring friends, and worship Jesus.

Here's a sneak peek at some of the songs on the CD!

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